"I have learned more from the Options For Beginners book than from all the other books I have ordered. Thank you very much."
-- Robert D., El Cerito, CA
This simple book will show you how easy it is to build wealth in one of the world's most misunderstood markets. Options For Beginners shows you how to trade options the right way.
With your small donation to the American Heart Association and just one afternoon of reading, you'll learn a consistent and predictable way to build wealth.
As Jeff from Portland wrote,
"You Can Make a Freakin' Fortune With This"

Now with the free bonus: How to Win 80% of Your Trades Or Better For a Lifetime
Learn To Earn While Doing Good

100% of the Proceeds Goes Directly to the American Heart Association.
In this eBook You Will Discover ...
You Can Change the Rules of Investing
You’ll learn how options provide an all-new way for investors to make money.
Profits Can Be Unlimited
Big moves can lead to spectacularly massive gains. See how to do it in just seconds.
Risk Can Be Strictly Limited
You’ll learn how risk is controlled automatically, so nasty surprises are a thing of the past.
Profit In Up, Down, Even Sideways Markets
Learn how to win no matter what the market does.

About Don Fishback
"I’ve been in this industry for a long time – more than 35 years. I got my start as a broker in 1984. But for the past 31 years, I’ve been involved in research and analysis. So I’ve seen both sides.
"Over the last 2+ decades, I've developed a specialty - taking complex ideas and making them simple -- so simple that middle school kids understand options. At the other extreme, I’ve been fortunate enough to be recognized as one of the world’s foremost experts in the field of probability and its application to options. My goal is to teach as many people about the profit-generating power options, without getting you bogged down in complexity.
"Results should be the focus of your experience. Everything else should disappear."
Check Out What Real Men and Women Are Saying About Don Fishback
Brian T., Indiana
"He’s very straightforward, honest, and seems to generally want to help people learn and do it for themselves."
Sue O., Illinois
"We like Don because he’s conservative, yet we found very reliable results."
Joanna M., Maryland
"My impression and my experience with Don is that he has incredible integrity and he wants to keep it simple."
Dave D., Nevada
"He’s the real deal. He works on the KISS principle. He keeps things very simple and easy to understand so it’s not complicated."
The Book That Started An Investing Revolution... and inspired a wave of Copycats
Updated Fourth Edition Now Available

Options For Beginners is the first book on options devoted entirely to beginning traders. It was written with one goal in mind: Provide smart investors with information they can count on to safely and reliably begin using options. You see, when used the right way, options have been trusted to generate income, verified to enhance returns and proven to reduce risk.
This alone could have a big impact on your financial future.
Since the first edition was written 20 years ago, there have been a wave of copycats looking to ride our coattails. But we've got something they don't have: success stories... lots of them. Take a look at just a few of these inspiring messages we've received from readers of Options For Beginners.
Real People, Real Success
Dick O., Florida
"I’ve been in trading, in stock trading since the early 60’s, and I’ve never found anything as uncomplex and as simple as this, and provides returns that are greater than anything I’ve had in the past."
Art R., Florida
"The fact that I have money now that I never had before, I feel that I can treat myself. I’ll buy that new car!"
Bob P., Wisconsin
"You can start out with almost nothing, and multiply your account many times. It’s just so accessible to us little guys."
Walter L., Florida
"It’s been an education, and it’s been fun and financially gratifying."
Your eBook and Free Extra Bonus will be available for instant download after your donation.
Get a Great Education and...
Help Build Healthier Lives, Free of Heart Disease and Stroke
Help Build Healthier Lives, Free of Heart Disease and Stroke
- Over $130,000.00 raised so far (picture of Don Fishback giving AHA representatives their second check, this one for over $50,000).
- Don Fishback serves on the BioEngineering Peer Review Committee of the AHA.
- Former Volunteer of the Year.
- Current AHA Trustee.

Your eBook and Free Extra Bonus will be available for instant download after your donation.
How to Win 80% of Your Trades Or Better For a Lifetime
See How Often You Can Win When You "Change the Rules"
We all want high accuracy in all our endeavors, especially when it comes to investments. It's easy to say you want to win 80%. But how do you achieve it? The good news is that we have a VERY SIMPLE SOLUTION to a puzzle that has confounded millions. The key is to "change the rules". This free bonus report How to Win 80% of Your Trades Or Better For a Lifetime gives you the essential details, and it's yours free with your purchase of Options For Beginners.
Obviously, we're not doing this for the money. The report is free, and all proceeds from the sale of the book go to charity. Our only goal is to educate you, so you can experience -- and perhaps share -- your own success story.
Your eBook and Free Extra Bonus will be available for instant download after your donation.

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ODDS® is a registered trademark of Don Fishback | All product and company names, including Options For Beginners™, are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.
Romans 12:9-10